Friday, June 03, 2005

I don't get it

Why is it that everytime I find something that makes me happy or shows me the light at the end of the tunnel, something or some one does something to take it away. For example, one time I was going through a hard time in my life when I was getting divorced and some friends of mine did some things to help cheer me up and it worked. It couldn't have been more than three days later when I got a letter from th IRS saying I was being audited. I couldn't believe it. If I was being audited why did they take the time to go ahead and mail me my tax return. Bastards. As if I didn't have enough problems with out them contributing. But it wasn't much longer after that when they sent me another letter saying never mind. Bastards. Here I am running around scared to death that I was going to have to make up some stuff to tell them. To shed some light on this, I called my accountant and talked to his secretary and she said that he wouldn't be back in his office for another month. Bastard. I have questions which I need answered and he's on vacation for a freaking month. He's the reason I thought I was getting audited to begin with. But life goes on, without all the Bastards I have the pleasureof dealing with.


Blogger Wes said...

You make referance to something that happened a long time ago. Whats the current issue?

8:44 AM  

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