i hate people who don't like people
You know, one of the most annoying things I can think of is talking to some one who obviously don't like people. They just stand there and try to focus their attention toward some sort of inanimate object hoping that it doesn't turn into a person and want to talk. Seems like the only thing you can ever get them to say is "I hate people". Is this not the most annoying thing to you? I just find it to be hillarious also. When you really think about it they hate the one thing that they are. Not only can they not change this but they can't even get help for this. Who would they go to for help? They obviously can't see a doc. They hate them too. I guess they'll have to spend the rest of their life wondering aimlessly around the world trying to find a tree or rock to cure them of this disease.
Well, I hate people who hate. ;-) But that's life as I know it. Hey, can I get to meet some of these people? What they really mean is "I don't like having to interact with people" which is a totally different thing.
You sound bitter.
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