In Lieu of a Personal Attack
I sometimes like to look at the blogs of the people who leave comments on my blog. One such person, whom I have known for years, decided to make a personal attack at me that was unprovoked. So in response to HER posting I would like to say, who the fuck are you to judge me. You know nothing about my background or my knowledge of military codes and customs. If you would take your head out of your ass maybe you could see the whole picture and not just your rectal opening.
Now with that being said, I am sorry that my other readers had to see this but you probably already know that when people get bored of their own lives they try to affect or should I say infect the lives of others.
I really hate when people who think they know what you are all about start running their mouth about shit that they have no clue on. If you are reading this and would like to know who attacked me then check my comments box and look for Mickey Finn. Obviously I'm not so ashamed of what they wrote that I would try to hide it. So I'm going to tell ya'll a little story. I joined the Army fresh out of high school at the ripe age of 17. After a few months in the Army, indeed I said months, I tore my ACL and was given a medical disharge with temporary benefits. In 2004 I joined an organization that would allow me to use my military knowledge to better serve the community. I was fast tracked in rank and surpassed many other people because I know how to do my job. I tried my best to keep from stepping on any toes but shit happens. Now some of the toes that I stepped on have decided to start attacking me. So here's to all those people who wear their heart on their sleeve: FUCK YOU!!!