Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Analyze That

I have a few more phrases that annoy the hell out of me much like they do Crazykitty, read below postings and you'll know what I'm talking about.
Not only does that timeless phrase "I haven't seen you in a month of Sunday's" bother me (which by the way I sat down and figured it out, 7 1/2 months), but the ever so clever phrase "I haven't seen you in a coon's age". How damn long does a coon live? Surely it's more than 7 1/2 months. I remember being at the zoo with my daughter and the coons we saw were at least 5 years.
Or how about this one "What in Sam Hill are you doing". I'm not in Sam Hill nor have I ever been there. I'm not doing anything in Sam Hill. So stop accusing me of such.
How many people have heard this one, "I wouldn't give a plug nickel". What is a plug nickel? Are they valuable? I've never seen one, I've heard of them sure, but even the Nazi's used propaganda. I'd be willing to bet that if you had a plug nickel and it was a good deal you'd give it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very funny, keep em coming.

6:23 AM  
Blogger mickey_finn said...

I use "what in the Sam Hill are you doing" to keep from cussing! Hate to cuss - makes me mad at myself whenever I do it! Like your site very much. You have a knack for writing that is amusing and insightful.

7:35 AM  

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